I am proud to report that Brian has been paci-free for four full days! And he's halfway through day five. On Friday when I put Brian down for his nap, I just never gave it to him. And he never asked for it. He talked for a few minutes and then fell asleep without incident. And the same thing happened again at bedtime. So I told Dave not to give it to him on Saturday at nap while I was at work. Not a problem. In fact the first time he asked for it was yesterday. It was while I was changing him and I'll admit, I panicked at first, not sure what to tell him. But I just said he didn't need it anymore, and he said "I'm big boy?" Yes, sir, you are. When he went to bed, he didn't even mention it.
I think I'd call that successful, wouldn't you?
We already had a plan in place. We were going to "forget" them at Grandma's house after our visit next week. I thought it was going to work just fine, and was looking forward to it. But, alas, he's one step ahead of me. I think I should get used to that!